STOP PRESS: Just found
Jamie's recipe on his website - though there he doesn't use spinach.
While having a look for free stuff on iTunes, my other half came across a number of short Jamie Oliver video podcasts aimed at people who are scared of cooking or think that making tasty food takes hours. These little clips are between 7.5 and 9.5 minutes long. Most of them are meat dishes so not that interesting for me but this healthier, quicker version of a traditional fish pie is really yummy. We've had it twice now ;) but I have to say we used half the amount of fish with the amount of veggies below. The idea is to be creative and add whatever veg you fancy.
In many of these recipes he uses a box grater rather than chopping things up with a knife.
750 g fresh fish, mixed or just one type according to taste and pocket (e.g. salmon, cod, smoked haddock, prawns, scallops, pollock, etc. - whatever you fancy, whatever your pocket)
1 carrot, coarsely grated
2 celery sticks, coarsely grated
150 g cheddar (gouda would work just fine IMO), coarsely grated
1/2 red chilli, finely grated
2 tomatoes, roughly chopped
juice of 1 lemon
4 tbsp olive oil
1 handful fresh spinach
chopped parseley
potatoes for mashing
freshly grated nutmeg
1. Grate the veg and cheese with a box grater and transfer to a large oven-proof dish.
2. Chop the fish into inch-sized chunks and add to dish. Top with the spinach leaves and parseley.
3. Squeeze over the lemon juice. Season with pepper and salt and add the oil.
4. Mix it all together with your hands or a large spoon and smooth out.
5. Top with the mash ensuring everything is well covered.
6. Cook in a preheated oven at 200 °C/gas mark 5 for 40 minutes.
Chop a couple of spring onions.
If no celery is available, you can use a small onion.
Add 1-2 garlic cloves to the mix (garlic press or chopped very finely)